Tehlike Kontrol Listesi Örneği

  • Oluşturulma Tarihi : 2019-07-11 16:30:03
  • Son Güncelleme: 2019-07-11 23:39:48
  • Yazar/Hazırlayan: Belirtilmemiş
  • Yükleyen: İlker Erdoğan
  • Doküman No: 458286
  •    1074
  •    43
  •    0
  •    2
  •    https://isg.email/p4QFgG

This datasheet is one of the International Datasheets on Occupations. It is intended for those professionally concerned with health and safety at work: occupational physicians and nurses, safety engineers, hygienists, education and Information specialists, inspectors, employers ' representatives, workers' representatives, safety officers and other competent persons. This datasheet lists, in a standard format, different hazards to which mechanic, automobiles may be exposed in the course of their normal work. This datasheet is a source of information rather than advice. With the knowledge of what causes injuries and diseases, is easier to design and implement suitable measures towards prevention. This datasheet consists of four pages:

Page 1: Information on the most relevant hazards related to the occupation.

Page 2: A more detailed and systematized presentation on the different hazards related to the job with indicators for preventive measures (marked as numbered shields and explained on the third page).

Page 3: Suggestions for preventive measures for selected hazards.

Page 4: Specialized information , relevant primarily to occupational safety and health professionals and including information such as a brief job description, a list of tasks, notes and references.