Introduction to Fire Safety Management

  • Oluşturulma Tarihi : 2019-05-17 12:44:41
  • Son Güncelleme: 2019-06-19 22:49:55
  • Yazar/Hazırlayan: Belirtilmemiş
  • Yükleyen: Ahmet Kılıç
  • Doküman No: 171786
  •    505
  •    13
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Introduction to Fire Safety Management has been produced for all students taking the NEBOSH Fire Safety & Risk Management Certifi cate, whether as part of a face to face training course or as part of a distance learning programme. It will also be of signifi cant use for those undertaking a programme of study for Level 3 and 4 S/NVQ in Fire Safety.

The book is the approved reference material for those undertaking IOSH certifi ed Fire Risk Assessment, Principles and Practice programmes and the Fire Safety Management programmes at the Institute of Occupational Safety & Health (IOSH).

This book has been produced to provide those establishing fi re safety management systems within their workplace and those undertaking fi re risk assessments, on behalf of the responsible person, with an all encompassing reference book without the need to initially access the huge range of British and European Standards in relation to fi re and risk management. The material included within the text effectively covers both the National General Certifi cate (NGC1) material and the Fire Safety & Risk Management (FC1 & 2) materials so that those studying for the full NEBOSH programme do not have to purchase two text books. It is also useful for those who have not undertaken a course of study to have reference to general safety management principles and arrangements, as many fi re safety books fail to address the management principles and detail only physical fi re safety systems (fi re alarm, suppression, detection, etc.). Given that the materials included within this text book also cover previous MCI units for the Emergency Fire Service Management (EFSM) S/NVQ, the material within this book will also assist those serving in the emergency Fire & Rescue Services as part of their development programmes, particularly those starting within the Fire Safety and Community Fire Safety areas. We hope that you fi nd the Introduction to Fire Safety Management both a useful reference book for your course of study and a source of reference when undertaking fi re risk assessments and establishing fi re safety management systems.