ISO 9000 Kalite Sistemleri Rehberi (İngilizce)

  • Oluşturulma Tarihi : 2019-04-21 22:04:45
  • Son Güncelleme: 2019-06-19 22:15:24
  • Yazar/Hazırlayan: Belirtilmemiş
  • Yükleyen: Burak Tuna
  • Doküman No: 321977
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  •    12
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David Hoyle tarafından yazılmış ISO 9000 kalite yönetim sistemleri ile ilgili geniş bilgiler veren 686 sayfalık İngilizce kitaptır.

The basic purpose of the book is to provide a source of reference not only for those seeking and maintaining ISO 9001 certification but also to provide the reader with the fundamental concepts of quality management so that use of the standard becomes a quest for improving quality in all operations and is not limited to simply getting and keeping a certificate.

In addressing the standards the book provides the reader with an understanding of each requirement of ISO 9001:2000 through explanation, examples, lists, tables and diagrams. As there are over 250 requirements in ISO 9001:2000, this has led to a book of considerable size – it was not intended as a quick read!

I make no apologies for the layout. If I were to explain how a management system would be developed, the chapters and sections would be presented in an entirely different order to that of the standard. But I have chosen to explain the requirements of the standard and therefore they are addressed in the sequence they are presented in the standard itself, adding Clause numbers to the headings to make it user friendly. The summaries at the beginning of Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 do attempt to link together the requirements in a cycle but they are hampered by the headings ascribed to the Clauses in the standard.

At the end of each chapter there is a Summary of Requirements that will act as a checklist for system developers and auditors. However, it is not intended that the list be used by auditors during a system audit but used afterwards in order to test the completeness of the system. I have included a section on Food for Thought. This is intended to cause the reader to reflect on the previous chapter, perhaps even change perceptions but mostly confirm understanding.

In this edition I have maintained a structured approach with each requirement covered by three basic questions: What does it mean? Why is it important? How is it demonstrated? (I changed the question How is it implemented to How is it demonstrated to reflect the approach promoted in this book that ISO 9001 is an assessment standard not a design standard).