Nebosh El Kitabı

  • Oluşturulma Tarihi : 2019-05-22 23:17:59
  • Son Güncelleme: 2019-06-21 09:34:47
  • Yazar/Hazırlayan: Belirtilmemiş
  • Yükleyen: Orkun ÇOBAN
  • Doküman No: 042965
  •    2577
  •    144
  •    3
  •    2

AcknowledgementsThroughout the book, definitions used by the relevant legislation, the Health and Safety Commission, the Healthand Safety Executive and advice published in Approved Codes of Practice or various Health and SafetyCommission/Executive publications have been utilized. Most of the references produced at the end of each Act orRegulation summary in Chapter 20, are drawn from HSE Books range of publications.At the end of each Chapter, there are some examination questions taken from recent NEBOSH NationalGeneral Certificate papers. Some of the questions may include topics which are covered in more than oneChapter. The answers to these questions are to be found within the preceding chapter of the book. NEBOSHpublishes a very full examiners’ report after each public examination which gives further information on eachquestion. Most accredited NEBOSH training centres will have copies of these reports and further copies may bepurchased directly from NEBOSH. The authors would like to thank NEBOSH for giving them permission to usethese questions.The authors’ grateful thanks go to Liz Hughes for proof reading and patience and to Jill Ferrett for encouragingEd Ferrett to keep at the daunting task of text preparation. The authors are particularly grateful to Liz for theexcellent study guide that she has written for all NEBOSH students, which is included at the end of this book andfor the section on Report Writing (16.9). Liz gained an honours degree in psychology at the University of Warwick,later going on to complete a masters degree at the same university. She taught psychology in further and highereducation, where most of her students were either returning to education after a gap of many years, or were takinga course to augment their existing professional skills. She went on to qualify as a social worker specializing inmental health, and later moved into the voluntary sector where she managed development for a number of years.Liz then helped to set up and manage training for the National Schizophrenia Fellowship (now called Rethink) inthe Midlands.We would also like to acknowledge the contribution made by Hannah Ferrett for the help that she gave duringthe research for the book and with some of the word processing. We would like to thank Stephen Vickers, ChiefExecutive of NEBOSH, for his unwavering support and various HSE staff for their generous help and advice.Finally we would like to thank Doris Funke and all the production team at Elsevier who have worked hard totranslate our dream into reality.